Garrett Blad is a climate justice activist, collage artist, writer, and performance poet from North Liberty, Indiana. Currently, he is the Digital Communications Fellow at Climate Nexus. Garrett is committed to using the power of story to build strong relationships and communities to advance social change.
Prior to joining Climate Nexus, Garrett completed a six-month storytelling journey by bicycle between the US and Paris for the UN Climate Conference. Along the way, he used digital media to share stories of those mobilizing for climate action across 11 countries. In Paris, Garrett joined the SustainUS youth delegation inside the conference as a part of the media team, working to amplify youth-led campaigns calling for the most aggressive, equitable, and legally binding treaty possible. In the fall of 2016, Garrett became the Executive Coordinator of SustainUS, helping coordinate the youth-led organization in the post-Paris climate landscape. Garrett was recently named one of the Top 30 Under 30 Environmental Educators by the North American Association for Environmental Education and has a degree in Environmental Science and Sustainable Policy from the University of Notre Dame.
Garrett also enjoys playing tennis, speaking french, and reimagining the culinary potential of day-old pasta.