Amelia Terrapin is a choreographer, facilitator and entrepreneur committed to getting our bodies moving and spirits soaring in service of reinventing our world for the better. She has been a member of the Byron team since 2012.
Amelia spent the first 15 years of her career as a modern dancer, learning how to cultivate healthy ensembles while generating aliveness and joy as a performer, teacher and administrator. As a teaching artist in public schools for many years, she built a curriculum that teaches K-12 science standards through movement.
Amelia founded Mobius Method, a human development organization focused on proliferating the magic of ensembles – deeply connected, effective, and creative teams guided by a shared sense of purpose – to transform organizational culture. All of her work is guided by the question: What kind of world could purpose-driven changemakers build if they felt free to connect and create like dance ensembles do?
Amelia has taught systems thinking to Fortune 500 companies, city government leaders, educators and artists. She has developed curriculum for school districts, STEM programs, leadership development programs and public health initiatives. As adjunct faculty with George Washington University’s Center for Excellence in Public Leadership, Amelia shares the mindsets and practices that allow DC city government executives to embrace their full humanity as they lead within hierarchical systems.
What Amelia has learned from working with thousands of purpose-driven people is that getting bodies moving and spirits soaring on your team unleashes a cascade of benefits. She has seen time and time again how bringing body, mind and spirit together allows you to tap into the deep well of care, presence and aliveness necessary to sustain world-changing work.